The New Era Of Face Mask For You

Filter masks protect from respirable dust, smoke, and aqueous mist (aerosols), however, do not offer any protection against vapor and gas. The classification system is made up of the three classes of FFP, the abbreviation FFP stands for "filtering facepiece". A breathing mask covers the mouth and nose. This mask is made of various filter materials. Its use is mandatory in work environments that exceed the maximum concentration of work. This is the maximum concentration of dust, smoke and / or aerosols in air respiration that will not result in harm to health.

What do protective masks protect against?

Depending on the total leakage and filtering of particles up to 0.6 micron size respiratory masks ranging from FFP1 to FFP2 through FFP3 offers respiratory protection for various concentrations of contaminants.

Total leakage occurs based on filter penetration and leaks in the mouth and nose area. 3M masks aim to prevent these leaks by adapting our masks to the human anatomy.

FFP1: non-toxic and non-fibrogenic protection from dust. Inhalation can affect the development of health conditions; they can also irritate the airways and cause unpleasant odors. ffp2 masks uk have a minimum filtration efficiency of 78% and a maximum inward leakage rate of 22%. They are usually used against particles of inert material.

FFP2: Signature and type protection from harmful fluids from dust, smoke and aerosols. These particles can be fibrogenic, and can result in reduced elasticity of the lung tissue in the long term. They have a minimum filtration efficiency of 92% and a maximum inward leakage rate of 8%. They are used against low or moderate toxicity aerosols.

FFP3: Protection against poisonous and harmful types of dust, smoke and aerosols. Pathogenic substances or agents are filtered by this kind of respiratory mask protection. ffp3 face masks uk have a minimum filtration efficiency of 98% and a maximum inward leakage rate of 2%. They are used against highly toxic aerosols.


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