
Showing posts from June, 2020

What Makes Masks An Absolute Must Have For You

Dust, fumes from chemicals or gases, do not mix well with your health. Whether you are an occasional or experienced handyman, you must ensure that all the necessary security is implemented depending on the type and duration of the work you will have to do. All our advice for choosing a respiratory protection mask adapted to your needs. When to use a respiratory protection mask? A respiratory protection mask protects the respiratory tract from the inhalation of polluted air when carrying out work in a place where working conditions expose to dangerous surrounding factors such as dust, solvents, gases, contaminants. Unless you are a professional requiring very specific protection, you will only need filter masks and not insulating masks. A filter mask performs a function of filtering the ambient air through a filter or cartridge. It is your own breathing which provides the air necessary for filtration, which is why you must work in a perfectly ventilated room. The filter mask...

The Essential Item Mask: The New Normal

The respiratory protective masks KN95 type happens to be worn in dissimilar situations. They are part of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The masks FFP2 and or N95, KN95 are also recommended in the middle medical. They use to filter pathogens such as bacteria or viruses transmissible between characters by air or by "droplet", that is to state by scattering saliva or by discharges from the upper respiratory tract.                     The KN95 respiratory mask has many advantages: ·          It is ergonomic, comfortable and easy to use ·          It happens to meet drastic hygiene and safety standards ·          It effectively protects the health of its user from the risks of inhalation of fine and toxic particles and pathogens ·      ...

What Kind Of Mask Would Be The Best For You?

3M full-face protective mask provides reliable protection of respiratory organs, eyes and face skin from the harmful effects of dry suspended particles and toxic aerosols generated during the production process, repair and construction works, or as a result of an emergency at an industrial facility. A quality 3m kn95 respirator mask is also used in industry and agriculture, where full-face personal protective equipment is not required. The use of soft silicone allows not only to guarantee the tightness of the contact of PPE with the face, but also to ensure comfort when using the product. Benefits The 3M mask is represented by three models depending on their functionality and absorption characteristics. Among the most important advantages of this product: ·          Use of modern filtration materials; ·          Low breathing resistance; ·          Pre...

Understanding the usefulness of masks against the coronavirus

The rapid spread of the coronavirus is prompting to purchase masks of all types. However, not all masks are the same, and their use is different for everyone. Who are they reserved for? Who should or shouldn't wear them? We go around the question. N95 respirators 1. N95 respiratory masks protect those who wear them from infectious aerosols. An aerosol is a droplet suspended in the air. When used correctly, the N95 has a minimum filtration capacity of 95%. 2. The Public Health Agency reports that they can filter particles as small as 0.3 microns. The N95 mask would offer better protection than the surgical uk face mask . 3. The National Institute of Public Health recalls that, to be effective, the N95 mask must be firmly adjusted to the face by sealing the nose and mouth. It is not recommended for people with beards, as facial hair hampers the tightness of the mask outline. 4. The N95 masks are reserved for the almost exclusive use of health personnel. The n95 respirator...

What kind of mask would be the right one for you?

N95 mask provides respiratory protection to the wearer by filtering out “infectious aerosols”, such as dust or droplets from sneezing and coughing. It is particularly effective against respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis and, more recently, COVID-19. Is the N95 mask for everyone? No. N95 face masks uk is intended for medical personnel and other workers who come into contact with sick people, in order to prevent them from being contaminated; it is not used for patients who want to avoid infecting other people. In addition, it is a disposable mask that must be changed after a "high risk" exposure. What sets it apart from other masks? It filters the air passing through it and blocks particles of 0.3 microns and more, so much more than other masks. Moreover, to be effective, it must be very well adjusted to the face so that there is no leakage. The N means that this type of mask is not resistant to oil and the 95 means that it is effective in filtering 95% of par...